The Fire Burning
Our hearts burn for the lost and our ministry exists to help others keep the fire burning in their hearts for Jesus and those who don't yet know Him.
Our founder, the meaning behind our logo, and family

Apostle Fernando Garay
Welcome to our website! I'm so glad you're here. I love Jesus and people. The purpose of my existence is to bring the gospel and the glory of God to every place of the earth with a demonstration of His power. I believe Jesus can totally restore you in every area of your life.
After 20 years pastoring in Virginia, God spoke to my spirit: "Son, it is time. Will you move to the West Coast?" Everything was going great. The church my wife and I were pastoring was dynamic, and we were influencing various areas of the community, including the police department, court system, doctors and lawyers, entrepreneurs were being raised up, businesses were being established, the five fold ministry was on fire!!! What a time to ask. My wife and I shared this with our children, and they were all in agreement. "Go for it!" We packed our bags and are now we're living in San Diego. We know God has great plans for this next phase of our ministry and we welcome you to stay connected here and to become a partner to continue to stay up to date!

The Story Behind "Fuego"
Jesus wants us to keep the fire in our hearts burning for Him. The word FUEGO is a Spanish word meaning fire. When God gave me the verse for the ministry, I really got happy because God is a Fire! Then as time passed, He showed me that the verse Leviticus 6:13 (keep the fire on the altar burning) has the same numbers as John 3:16 which talks about "God so loved the world that He sent His one and only begotten Son..." Thank You Jesus for our new logo! The Hebrew letter 'shin' is the one we use and that dominates our ministry. It means El Shaddai or Almighty! God revealed to us that each flame of fire represents one of the 3 annual festivals to celebrate Jesus and His LOVE (this revelation is exclusive to Fuego 🔥Ministries). We also noticed that in the logo the letter shin looks like a crown 👑. Wow!
Gracias a Dios por nuestro nuevo logo. La letra en Hebreo ‘shin’ es la que usamos y que domina nuestro ministerio. Quiere decir El Shaddai o Todopoderoso‼️ Dios nos revelo que cada llama de fuego representa una de las 3 fiestas anuales para celebrar a Jesus y Su AMOR. (Esta revelacion es exclusiva de Fuego 🔥Ministries). Tambien notamos que en el Logo la letra Shin parece una corona 👑. Wow!

Join & Become Part of Fuego!
We welcome all to join and become apart of the Fuego Family! Read below to learn more about who we are, what we do, and our vision.
We have a YouTube presence where we preach and teach the principles of God locally, nationally (USA), and internationally. Our vision is to go and raise up believers with the love of God and the demonstration of the power of God in lives. Jesus is LORD! We do Tour de Fuego, which are tours going from city to city, church to church (as God opens doors) nation to nation. We endeavor to be encouraging and teach others to live a life devoted to Christ. We see ourselves demonstrating the power of the gospel just like Paul taught us! In addition, we see ourselves training and teaching Pastors and Leaders in the Body of Christ to exercise the Supernatural move of God in their ministries.
We also believe in POWER WORDS from God. As we deliver encouraging scriptures and prophetic words, we believe you will be led to victorious outcomes daily. As we connect our faith together, we will have what God says we can have. You and I are in agreement that Jesus is Lord, and He will confirm His word.

We stand with you, and believe with you
Fernando Garay (Fuego Ministries) is a traveling ministry and brings an atmosphere of joy, peace, and love, and ultimately a place where people can meet Jesus, believers can engage in a life-giving community (YouTube/FernandoGarayMinistries), and everyone is welcome.
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts, and use them for Him! Receive a Prophetic Word over your life that will bring direction to your destiny and purpose.